Предзащита Невeна Маркова

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May 262009



Редовната сбирка на Обединения семинар на Института по Астрономия и Катедрата по Астрономия, ФзФ ще се проведе на 8.06.2009г. от 14:00 часа в зала 301 на Института по Електроника.

Ст.н.с.IIст. д-р Невена Стефанова Маркова от ИА ще представи дисертационния си труд на тема

”Звездни параметри и параметри на вятъра у ОВ звезди в нашата Галактика”

на предзащита за присъждане на научната степен ”доктор на физическите науки”.

Материалите по предзащитата са на разположение в библиотеката на ИА и в Интернет на адрес: http://www.astro.bas.bg/dis/Markova_habilitation.pdf

Заб. Необходим е кворум. Моля за вашето участие при представянето и дискусията.

Ръководител на Семинара: Секретар на Семинара:
/ст.н.с. Г.Петров/ /н.с. И.Статева/

 Posted by at 10:11

New control system for the 2m RCC-telescope

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May 202009

On March 26, 2009, representatives of the Institute of Astronomy and of the company Projectsoft (www.projectsoft.cz) signed a contract for the design and manufacturing of a new control system for the 2-meter telescope of the National astronomical observatory – Rozhen. The new system will fully replace the 30 years old telescope electronics and will guarantee for more effective implementation of the astronomical observations. According to the schedule,  the new system must be put into operation in September 2009. This considerable upgrade of the 2-meter telescope is carried out with financial support by the National Science Fund (www.nsfb.net), project CVP01/002 (contract DÎ 02-85).

 Posted by at 10:10

Mutual agreement protocol between Municipality of Smolyan and the Institute of Astronomy – BAS

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May 192009

Mutual agreement protocol has been approved today, April 16-th, 2009 between the Municipality of Smolyan and the Institute of Astronomy – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The two sides declared their will to establish close relations in the field of common interests, launching projects for the benefit of the citizens of Smolyan and the scientists from the Institute of Astronomy. The document has been undersigned by Mrs. Dora Yankova, city mayor and Prof. Tanyu Bonev, director of IA. Official ceremony was attended by Acad. Matej Mateev, municipal authorities, and astronomers.

 Mutual agreement protocol (PDF, 935 KB, bulgarian)

 Posted by at 10:09

VI Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference (VI SBAC)

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Dec 122007


F I R S T   A N N O U N C E M E N T

VI Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference (VI SBAC):
9-12 May 2008, Prokuplje, Serbia

Scientific Organizing Committee:

Milan S. Dimitrijevic (Co-chairman, Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade)
Milcho K. Tsvetkov (Co-chairman, Institute of Astronomy, BAS, Sofia)

Luka  Ch. Popovic (Co-vice chairman, Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade)
Valeri Golev (Co-vice chairman, Astronomical Observatory, Sofia University)

Alexander P. Antov (Institute of Astronomy, BAS, Sofia)
Miodrag Dacic (Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade)
Lachezar G. Filipov (Space Research Institute, BAS, Sofia)
Georgi Ivanov (Astronomical Observatory, Sofia University)
Darko Jevremovic (Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade)
Predrag Jovanovic (Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade)
Andjelka Kovacevic (Department of Astronomy, Mathematical Faculty, Belgrade)
Zarko Mijajlovic (Mathematical Faculty, Belgrade)
Kiril Panov (Institute of Astronomy, BAS, Sofia)
Nadezda Pejovic (Department of Astronomy, Mathematical Faculty, Belgrade)
Dejan Urosevic (Department of Astronomy, Mathematical Faculty, Belgrade)

Local Organizing Committee:

Chairman:  Andjelka Kovacevic (Department of Astronomy, Mathematical Faculty,

Miodrag Dacic
Milan S. Dimitrijevic
Zarko Mijajlovic
Tatjana Milovanov
Nenad Milovanovic
Luka C. Popovic
Zoran Simic
Aleksandar Simonovic
Aleksandar Valjarevic

Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade
Astronomical Society “Magelanic Clouds”, Prokuplje
Astronomical Society “Rudjer Boskovic”, Belgrade

Web site:

The conference will take place in Prokuplje, Serbia, May 9-12, 2008 in
hotel “Hammeum”. The registration fee will be 100 Euros. Official
languages of the Conference are Bulgarian, Serbian, and English.
The abstract deadline is March 1st, 2008.

SOC starts to collect oral and poster presentations – for invited talks – 40
contributed talks 15 min and posters 5 min. The Registration form with
the titles and  the proposal of the type of contribution should be sent by
up to 31st December 2007 to the addresses:

Milan S. Dimitrijevic
Astronomical Observatory
Volgina 7
11160 Belgrade, Serbia


Andjelka Kovacevic
Department of Astronomy
Faculty of Mathematics
Studentski Trg 16
11000 Belgrade, Serbia

The deadline for Abstracts (see attached template) is 1st February 2008.

The proceedings of the VI-SBAC will be published
until the end of 2008 and the deadline for manuscripts
is  July 1st 2008.

There is no strict limit of the page number, but contributions will be
by SOC and if some of them are too extensive a shorter version will be
The usual expected size of the papers are: invited talk – 10-16 pages,
contributed talk 6-10 pages and poster 4-8 pages.

See you in Prokuplje in May 2008!

 Posted by at 10:05

National Astronomical Conference

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Oct 232006

National Astronomical Conference and celebration of the 25th anniversary of the National Astronomical Observatory – Rozhen will be held in Sofia, November 10 -11, 2006.

 Posted by at 09:58