Научен семинар 12.03.2015

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Mar 072015


Редовната сбирка на семинара на Института по Астрономия ще се проведе на 12 март от 14:30 часа в зала 301 на Института по Електроника на БАН, Цариградско Шосе 72, София.
Тема: Minimal Dilatonic Gravity from cosmology to compact massive objects
Докладва: д-р Деница Стайкова, ИЯИЯЕ, БАН
Поканени са всички интересуващи се.


The minimal dilatonic gravity (MDG) is a theory, which is locally equivalent to the f(R) theories of gravity and which has been used successfully as an alternative description of the effects of dark matter and dark energy. As a new application of the theory outside cosmology, we use MDG to describe relativistic static spherically symmetric stars. We describe our results in the cases of white dwarfs and neutron stars with
different equations of state of the matter and discuss the implications from the introduction of the dilatonic field in the theory, both on cosmological and stellar scales.

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