Sep 162019

Редовна сбирка на Научния семинар на Института по Астрономия ще се проведе на 19 Септември 2019г., (четвъртък) от 14:00 часа в зала 301 в сградата на бул. “Цариградско шосе” No 72, София.

Pietro Zucca, ASTRON, Dwingeloo, Netherlands and LOFAR Solar and Space Weather KSP
ще докладва на тема :

“Interferometric and beam-formed observations of the Sun with LOFAR: Present situation and future

Abstract: LOFAR imaging capabilities allow for the detailed study of eruptions and transients in the solar corona.
A series of recent examples will be shown including Type III, II and IV radio bursts. In particular, a new study on a series of three consecutive type II radio bursts observed with the interferometric mode of LOFAR will be presented. Using core and remote stations a spatial resolution of 15 arcseconds may be achieved. The detailed propagation of the radio bursts and the study of the related :ne structures such as the band splitting phenomena will be presented. The presentation includes a discussion of the new observing modes and capabilities of LOFAR for solar observations and space weather including a detailed comparison of LOFAR imaging with previous facilities such as the Nancay Radio heliograph.

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 Posted by at 16:07

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